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Digital Art and NFT

Davonte (Davo) Bradley

Digital Art and NFT - Davonte Bradley

Digital Artist, NFT Enthusiast, Philosopher, Poet. A graduate of Hampden Sydney College, he holds a B.A. in Philosophy. Project lead at Art 180, Artist. There are a few main things that inspire my art. The pain and trauma of my past, curiosity in the present, and hope for the future. There’s just as much fun in my work as there is some amount of melancholy. And I think there's beauty in that.

Through my art I explore the depths and complexity of my inner self, my spirituality, political beliefs, my race, and my place in the black community. My style has developed organically but is largely defined through experimentation and play with the only consistency being that I am perpetually inconsistent. I seek a level of resonance in my work that remains regardless of whether the observer fully understands what they're seeing.

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